Weather forecast for the Camino Vasco del Interior in December

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Forecast settings

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Dec 12
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
253 km
Daily distance
21.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.1 mm/day

The Camino Vasco del Interior route in December has various and unpredictable weather patterns due to its geography. It starts in the coastal town of Irún, where the weather is usually mild with temperatures between 7°C and 11°C. Rain is common in this area, with a mix of sun, clouds, and overcast days.

The weather remains the same as you pass through Hernani and Tolosa in the Gipuzkoa province. The temperature stays roughly between 7-12°C, and it can sun, cloud, or rain heavily.

The temperature drops slightly as you move on to Alava and then to Castile and León, with highs of 10°C and lows of 3°C. The weather is usually colder and drier here, with less rain than before, although showers are still possible.

The final part of the journey to Burgos is often sunny, but still cloudy at times. The temperature can drop lower to 8°C during the day and 2°C at night. Rain is less common here, but it can still occur.

So, on the Camino Vasco del Interior route in December, you can expect falling temperatures and less rain as you go further inland. It starts with more rain and finishes with more sun, but showers can still happen.

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