Weather forecast for the Camino Vasco del Interior in October

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Forecast settings

Start date
Oct 1
Start town
End date
Oct 12
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
253 km
Daily distance
21.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.2 mm/day

Starting in the city of Irún of the Basque country, the route of the Camino Vasco del Interior is usually cool in October, often experiencing rain showers, but sometimes, there are sunny, partly cloudy days. It has an average high temperature of around 20°C and a comfortable low of about 14-15°C, so it's good weather for walking.

As you pass through towns like Tolosa, Beasain, and Zegama, the temperature usually goes up slightly to 22°C, due to the warmer climate of these areas. However, you should still expect some rain.

In the cities of Salvatierra and Vitoria in the Alava province, the temperature starts to drop. The highest temperature is usually around 20°C and the lowest can go down to around 11°C. The weather can vary though, as it could be rainy, cloudy, or sunny.

When you get to areas like La Puebla de Arganzón and Miranda de Ebro in Castile and León, the weather is usually drier. The highest temperature is often around 20°C and the lowest can be as low as 10°C. Even though there could be more sunny weather here, you should still expect occasional rain showers.

When you reach the end of the camino in Burgos, the temperature usually continues to drop, with highs averaging 18°C and lows around 8°C. Even though there could be more sunny weather here, you should still expect occasional rain showers.

In summary, if you're walking the Camino Vasco del Interior in October, you should prepare for a mix of cool and varying autumn weather which might change unpredictably, but it's usually manageable.

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