Weather forecast for the Voie de Vézelay (Bourges) in June

Some days in Vézelay might be cloudy, others sunny, and it might rain sometimes. The temperature is usually between 21°C and 23°C.

As you walk towards Saint-Germain-des-Bois and La Charité-sur-Loire, it could be either sunny or cloudy. In Baugy and Bourges, there's a higher chance of heavy rainfall, so be ready for that. The temperature stays around 22°C on average and can drop to around 12 °C.

Between Neuvy-Pailloux and Châteauroux, the weather can change daily. It could be sunny, cloudy, or rainy.

In Argenton-sur-Creuse to Saint-Sever, the weather can vary too, so be ready for both sun and rain.

When you reach Thiviers and Mont-de-Marsan, you can expect more sun. The temperature can hit 28°C. But it can still be partly cloudy and it might rain sometimes.

In Sorges to Ostabat, the weather is most consistent. It’s usually sunny, especially in Douville and Bergerac, where it gets as warm as 28°C. There's less chance of rain in this part of the journey.

Towards the end of the trek, the weather can still change between sun and clouds, and it might rain from time to time. It also gets a bit cooler, with highs of 23°C and lows of about 16°C.

To sum up, on this trek, you'll see a mix of weather. Some days will be sunny, others might be cloudy or rainy. Temperatures usually range from 21°C to 29°C, but this might change.

Start date
Jun 1
Start town
End date
Jul 8
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
898 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.8 mm/day

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