Weather forecast for the Voie de Vézelay (Bourges) in March

The Camino path starts in Vézelay, France and crosses many regions until Spain. The weather usually is sunny, cloudy, and sometimes rainy.

Early on the journey, around Vézelay and Saint-Germain-des-Bois, expect rain sometimes. Average temperatures are between 2°C and 10°C, with approximately 3mm of rain per day.

When you get to places like Champlemy, La Charité-sur-Loire, and Bourges, the weather varies more. Expect sunny days with periods of cloudy skies and rain. Weather is usually about 10°C during the day and 2-3°C at night.

As you travel through the places of Chârost, Neuvy-Pailloux, and Châteauroux, it's often sunny or partly cloudy, with scattered chances of rain. High temperatures average 10-12°C, and low temperatures are around 1-3°C.

When you reach the south of France, through cities like Bergerac, Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, and La Réole, it's a bit warmer. These days are usually sunny with less rain, and temperature ranges from 15-17°C (day), down to 5-7°C (night) on average.

Approaching Spain, the weather is usually agreeable, with a mix of sun and some rain. Places along this path, like Mont-de-Marsan, Orthez and Ostabat, often have day temperatures of 16-18°C and night temperatures of 6-9°C.

Overall, you'll see varied weather along the journey, mainly sunny, sometimes cloudy and periodic rains. The temperatures usually are between 1-18°C, with mild to moderate rain. It gets sunnier as you go further along the path.

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
End date
Apr 7
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
898 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.4 mm/day

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