The weather is usually not too hot in Vézelay, with highs from 18°C to 20°C, and lows around 10°C. It might rain occasionally.
Next, you'll go to Bourges and Chârost. It rains more often here. The weather could be cloudy or sunny. The temperature is usually the same as in Vézelay - 18°C to 19°C during the day, and 10°C to 11°C at night.
On your way from Thiviers to Sorges, the temperature might increase to 19°C. But, it can still rain a lot. Sometimes, the sky is clear, and the weather is sunny.
When you go from Bergerac to La Réole, it rains less, and there is more sun. The warmest temperature usually is 20°C, and the coldest - around 10°C.
The last part of your journey, from Bénévent-l'Abbaye to Orthez, is colder, with day temperatures from 14°C to 16°C, and night temperatures from 7°C to 9°C. It rains a lot more.
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