Weather forecast for the Voie de Vézelay (Nevers) in December

At the start in the Burgundy region, the daily high temperature is usually 6-7°C and the low is 1-2°C. The weather changes often with some sunny days but usually cloudy or overcast skies. Rain, light or heavy, is common.

The weather stays the same when you reach Anthien and Saint-Révérien. You might see the sun sometimes, but it often rains.

When you get to Centre-Val de Loire and Limousin, it's a little warmer with highs of 7-8°C, but rain is still possible. These places usually have cloudy days.

In Nouvelle-Aquitaine, it gets warmer with highs from 8-12°C and lows of 4-6°C. Sunny days are more common here, and it usually rains lightly if at all.

In the final area, the Basque Country, it rains more often than before and the sky is often cloudy. The daily high temperature stays around 11°C.

So, on the Nevers variant of the Voie de Vézelay, you will see a mix of sun, clouds, and rain. As you move south, it gets slightly warmer and it rains more. But, you will also see more sunny days.

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Jan 8
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
919 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.8 mm/day

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