Weather forecast for the Voie de Vézelay (Nevers) in February

The Voie de Vézelay route starts in Vézelay, Burgundy. In February, the weather is quite cold with temperatures from 2°C to 7°C. There's often rain and grey skies in this region, and sometimes heavy rain showers.

When pilgrims travel towards Anthien and Saint-Révérien, the weather stays pretty much the same, but might become a bit colder. The situation is similar when the route goes towards Prémery and Nevers with frequent grey days, light and heavy rains.

Moving farther south to places like Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier and Lurcy-Lévis, the temperature usually stays at around 6°C - 7°C. The main change here is that there are more sunny days, although you still have grey skies and light rain sometimes.

When pilgrims reach La Réole, Auros, and Bazas, the weather starts to get warmer, ranging from 5°C to 14°C. Even though there are still rainy and grey days, sunny days become more common. This continues as the route goes towards Mont-de-Marsan and Hagetmau.

But near the end of the journey around Orthez and Ostabat, the weather can vary more, with light rains and grey skies, even as temperatures stay between 14°C and 15°C.

In summary, the weather on this route changes from cold, grey, and rainy in the early stages in Burgundy to warmer and sunnier towards the middle and end. However, pilgrims should be ready for changes in weather, with occasional rain and grey skies.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Mar 11
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
919 km
Daily distance
23.6 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.5 mm/day

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