The weather on the Via de la Plata from Sevilla is often sunny but it can sometimes rain. The temperature can be anywhere between 18-19°C during the daytime and at night, it can become as cool as 7-9°C. Average rainfall is low but Guillena is an exception.
In places like Zafra, Villafranca de los Barros, and Mérida that are in Extremadura, clouds and sunlight change frequently and rain might occur sometimes. The typical daytime temperature is close to 17-19°C and at night it can get as low as 6-7°C. The rainfall here is usually below 3mm.
As you go towards Castilla and León, it gets slightly colder. During daytime, the temperature is usually around 16-14°C and at night it can get as cold as 6-3°C. Cities like Fuenterroble de Salvatierra and San Pedro de Rozados usually receive a small amount of rain, around 0.2mm and 1.9mm respectively.
The temperature in Galicia, from A Gudiña to Santiago de Compostela, stays mild but it often rains heavily. During daytime, the temperature is normally between 14-16°C and at night it can drop to 4-6°C. The amount of rain varies from place to place. For instance, Mombuey usually gets a meager 1.1mm, while Outeiro gets a significant 5.2mm.
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