Weather forecast for the Vía de la Plata in December

The Vía de la Plata trail begins in Sevilla with pleasant temperatures (16°C high to 8°C low) in December. Conditions can be sunny or cloudy, with possible rain showers.

When you reach Guillena and Castilblanco de los Arroyos, temperatures are the same, but there's a slightly higher chance of heavy rain showers.

In Almadén de la Plata, Monesterio, and Fuente de Cantos, temperatures are a bit colder (15-17°C high, 6-8°C low). It remains sunny but there is a higher chance of moderate rain showers.

Zafra, Villafranca de los Barros, and Torremejía have chillier temperatures (14-15°C high and 7°C low). Rain showers are more noticeable here.

In Mérida, Alcuéscar, and Cáceres, weather can be sunny, partly cloudy, or overcast, with some rain. Temperatures stay around 14-15°C high and 5-7°C low.

Moving further north into Embalse de Alcántara, Grimaldo, and Carcaboso, it gets colder (12-13°C high, 5-6°C low) and rain showers are heavier.

Castilla y León region, from Aldeanueva del Camino through Salamanca, has cool temperatures (9-12°C high, 1-2°C low) and occasional moderate rain along with sunny days.

El Cubo del Vino and Zamora often have overcast weather with showers. Temperatures are around 11-12°C high and 4°C low.

Finally, in the Galicia Region, from Montamarta to Santiago de Compostela, there's a high chance of heavy rain. Temperatures are cool (9-13°C high, 2-5°C low) and sunny weather is less frequent, but still possible.

This overview is for an early December start, walking the standard stages.
But, I'll be happy to make one specifically for this forecast.

Zoom in and click on town for more info.

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Start date
Dec 8
Start town
End date
Jan 13
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
971 km
Daily distance
26.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.1 mm/day

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