Weather forecast for the Vía de la Plata in April

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Forecast settings

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
May 7
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
971 km
Daily distance
26.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
2.1 mm/day

Starting in Sevilla in April, the weather on Vía de la Plata is usually nice, with temperatures in the low 20s°C during the day and 10s°C at night. It's often sunny, but sometimes it can rain quite a lot.

The weather is pretty similar in Guillena, Castilblanco de los Arroyos, and Almadén de la Plata. There's lots of sunshine, comfortable temperatures, and some rain.

The weather doesn't change much in areas like Monesterio, Zafra, Mérida, and Alcuéscar. It stays mild, but you might see more rain as you head towards Cáceres.

As you go through Castile and Leon, the weather starts to get colder, especially at night. There's often mild temperatures during the day, but it can also rain more regularly and more heavily in places like Zamora and Montamarta.

In Galicia, it feels cooler, especially in higher places like Laza and A Gudiña. You'll notice more rain, including heavy showers, and less predictable temperatures.

When you reach Santiago de Compostela, expect mixed weather. Some days might be sunny, some overcast, and there could be a lot of rain. Daytime temperatures are usually in the teens, but it's cooler at night.

In summary, the weather on the Vía de la Plata in spring is mostly a combination of mild weather, lots of sunshine, and different amounts of rain. Remember, this is a long trip and the weather can vary, so be ready for anything.

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