Weather forecast for the Vía de la Plata in December

The Vía de la Plata trail begins in Sevilla with pleasant temperatures (16°C high to 8°C low) in December. Conditions can be sunny or cloudy, with possible rain showers.

When you reach Guillena and Castilblanco de los Arroyos, temperatures are the same, but there's a slightly higher chance of heavy rain showers.

In Almadén de la Plata, Monesterio, and Fuente de Cantos, temperatures are a bit colder (15-17°C high, 6-8°C low). It remains sunny but there is a higher chance of moderate rain showers.

Zafra, Villafranca de los Barros, and Torremejía have chillier temperatures (14-15°C high and 7°C low). Rain showers are more noticeable here.

In Mérida, Alcuéscar, and Cáceres, weather can be sunny, partly cloudy, or overcast, with some rain. Temperatures stay around 14-15°C high and 5-7°C low.

Moving further north into Embalse de Alcántara, Grimaldo, and Carcaboso, it gets colder (12-13°C high, 5-6°C low) and rain showers are heavier.

Castilla y León region, from Aldeanueva del Camino through Salamanca, has cool temperatures (9-12°C high, 1-2°C low) and occasional moderate rain along with sunny days.

El Cubo del Vino and Zamora often have overcast weather with showers. Temperatures are around 11-12°C high and 4°C low.

Finally, in the Galicia Region, from Montamarta to Santiago de Compostela, there's a high chance of heavy rain. Temperatures are cool (9-13°C high, 2-5°C low) and sunny weather is less frequent, but still possible.

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Start date
Dec 1
Start town
End date
Jan 6
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
971 km
Daily distance
26.2 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.3 mm/day

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