The Via degli Dei usually has mild weather in May. Daytime temperatures range from 16°C to 21°C and nighttime temperatures are between 8°C and 11°C. You can expect a mix of clouds and rain.
In Bologna and nearby places like Badolo and Madonna dei Fornelli, the weather is partly cloudy with regular rain showers. Rainfall is moderate, about 5 to 8.8 mm per day, with occasional heavy rain.
In higher areas such as Monte di Fò and San Piero a Sieve, the temperatures are similar, but rainfall is a bit less, around 3.3 to 6.9 mm per day. There are more sunny periods here, though it still rains sometimes.
As you get closer to Vetta Le Croci and head down to Florence, the weather improves with clearer skies and less rain. In Florence, sunny weather is more common, and rainfall drops to about 2.7 mm per day.
Overall, the route has a mix of sunny and rainy periods, with mild days and cooler nights. Rain is frequent, but it becomes lighter as you near Florence.
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