The Via degli Dei, a path through Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, has mixed weather in October. In Emilia-Romagna, temperatures are mild, with highs around 23°C and lows around 14°C. The weather can be sunny, partly cloudy, or rainy, with rain amounts between 2.1 mm and 3.8 mm per day.
As you hike into the Apennines, it gets cooler. In places like Madonna dei Fornelli and Monte di Fò, highs are around 18°C to 19°C, and lows can be 10°C. The weather here can be cloudy with occasional rain, but sunny and partly cloudy days happen too. Rainfall is moderate, averaging up to 3.8 mm per day.
Going down into Tuscany, temperatures warm up a bit with highs around 19°C to 22°C and lows around 11°C to 12°C. The weather still varies with sunny, partly cloudy days and some rain. Rain amounts range from 2.5 mm to 6.5 mm per day. Overall, expect changing weather during your trip.
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