Weather forecast for the Vía Serrana in March

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Forecast settings

Start date
Mar 1
Start town
La Línea de la Concepción
End date
Mar 14
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
268 km
Daily distance
19.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.8 mm/day

If you're planning to walk from La Línea de la Concepción to Sevilla along the Via Serrana, you'll mostly have warm, sunny weather. At the beginning of your trip, where you cross through La Línea de la Concepción, San Martín del Tesorillo, and Jimena de la Frontera, temperatures will be around 16°C in the daytime and 10°C at night. You may have some rain, but the sun should come out quite often.

Next, you'll pass through El Colmenar, Cañada del Real Tesorillo, and Jimera de Líbar. The weather will be similar, but expect more clouds and frequent rain showers.

As you arrive at Ronda, the weather will get sunnier with some occasional rain. The temperature will be about 19°C in the day and drop to 8°C at night. This weather continues as you continue through Setenil de las Bodegas and Olvera, with some rain now and then.

When you get closer to Sevilla, expect warmer hot days of about 20°C and cool nights at around 8°C. The heavy rains will be over, replaced by sunny weather with occasional rainfall.

In general, throughout your journey on the Via Serrana, you'll experience more sunshine than rain. There might be showers now and then, but for most travelers, the average temperatures are nice and comfortable.

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