The Via Serrana will mostly have sunny weather. The trip starts at La Línea de la Concepción where it's usually not too hot or cold. In October, it's around 24°C in the day and 18°C at night. There might be a little rain, but it's not likely.
As you go to San Martín del Tesorillo and Jimena de la Frontera, it gets a bit warmer to about 26°C. There's a bit higher chance of more rain.
When you get to El Colmenar and Cañada del Real Tesoro in the middle of your trip, it's still sunny and about 26°C in the day. It gets cooler at night, around 15-18°C. There might be some light or heavier rain, but it doesn't happen a lot.
Near the end of your trip through places like Setenil de las Bodegas and Olvera, it might get hotter to about 29°C. Rain happens a bit more here because it's more humid, but it's usually sunny.
At the final places of Utrera, Alcalá de Guadaíra, and Sevilla, it's a bit hotter around 27-28°C in the day and cooler about 16-17°C at night. There can be different amounts of rain from light showers to heavy rain, but it's mostly sunny and warm.
Overall, expect sunny and warm weather with a bit of rain. The rain is usually light and at night it gets cooler.
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