Weather forecast for the Fisherman's Trail in December

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Forecast settings

Start date
Dec 1
Start town
São Torpes
End date
Dec 13
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)

Summary of your Camino

Total days
Total distance
226 km
Daily distance
17.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.7 mm/day

The weather on the Fishermen's Trail in December is typically not too hot or cold, with highs around 15-17°C and lows between 10-15°C.

You might see sun, clouds, and some rain during your journey. Heavy rain is not common, but you could face light or moderate showers. There's a slightly higher chance of cloudy weather in the southern part of the trail.

There's a lot of sun, especially on the northern half of the route. On the other hand, the southern half has more cloudy days. The weather changes often, so a sunny morning can turn into a cloudy afternoon and vice versa.

Despite these changes, the mild temperatures make the trail walkable in December.

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