Weather forecast for the Fisherman's Trail in October

The weather on the Fishermen's Trail is usually sunny. When you start at São Torpes, you can expect temperatures from 23 to 25°C in the day and 16 to 19°C at night. Places like Porto Covo, Almograve, and Zambujeira do Mar may have some cloudy days.

As you move to Vila Nova de Milfontes and Odeceixe, it stays warm but rain can come and go. Even when you reach Aljezur, Arrifana, and Carrapateira, it’s mostly sunny with some clouds and rain.

In Vila do Bispo and Sagres, temperatures drop a bit, reaching 22°C in the day and 19°C at night. Vila do Bispo might have more cloudy days and heavy rain from time to time.

The part from Salema to Luz also has sunny days and occasional rain. As you get closer to Luz, you might get moderate to heavy rain.

When you reach the end at Lagos, weather stays same, with temperatures from 22°C in day to 18°C at night. Rain is rarely a problem in Lagos.

In short, the Fishermen's Trail is mostly sunny with some rain, and the weather is usually nice.

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Start date
Oct 1
Start town
São Torpes
End date
Oct 13
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
226 km
Daily distance
17.3 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.5 mm/day

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