Weather forecast for the West Highland Way in September

The West Highland Way, running from Milngavie to Fort William, takes you through the Scottish Highlands. This area is known for its changeable weather and wet conditions. In September, temperatures are usually cool, with highs between 12°C and 16°C and lows from 8°C to 9°C. Rain is frequent and can range from light to heavy showers.

The main stops on the route—Milngavie, Drymen, Rowardennan, Inverarnan, Tyndrum, Inveroran, Kingshouse, Kinlochleven, and Fort William—often have overcast skies with some sunshine. Rain is common, especially in Fort William and Rowardennan, along with mist and clouds.

In general, expect mostly grey and damp weather, with a few brighter moments.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 8
End town
Fort William
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
153 km
Daily distance
19.1 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
3.4 mm/day

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