Weather forecast for the Camino Zamorano Portugués in April

The Camino Zamorano Portugués, spanning parts of Castilla y León in Spain and Tras-os-Montes in Portugal, typically experiences mild and varied spring weather in April. Pilgrims should prepare for average daytime highs ranging between 14°C and 18°C, with overnight lows hovering around 3°C to 6°C. Precipitation varies throughout the route, but moderate rainfall is a common occurrence, punctuated by occasional heavier showers.

In Castilla y León, expect a blend of sunny and partly cloudy skies, with an increased likelihood of rain. Rainfall averages around 1.1 mm to 2.7 mm per day, with both lighter showers and heavier rain at times. Be prepared for overcast days, though sunny and clear skies are also relatively common.

Entering the Tras-os-Montes region in Portugal, a similar weather pattern continues. Daytime temperatures here range slightly higher, maintaining springtime mildness, and rainfall is still a present factor, averaging between 1.4 mm and 2.2 mm per day. Sunny days become slightly more frequent, though intermittent rain and overcast conditions remain typical.

Overall, this section of the Camino offers a mix of clear and rainy days, with moderate temperatures ideal for travel, punctuated occasionally by bursts of heavier rain.

Start date
Apr 1
Start town
End date
Apr 9
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
215 km
Daily distance
23.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.7 mm/day

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