The Camino Zamorano Portugués, spanning from Zamora in Spain to Verín in Galicia, experiences predominantly sunny weather throughout August. Temperatures typically vary between daily highs of around 29°C to 32°C and lows of 14°C to 16°C. Precipitation is minimal, averaging less than 0.4 mm per day, with some locations virtually seeing no rain.
In Castilla y León, where your journey begins in Zamora and includes locations such as Almendra and Fonfría, you can expect consistently clear and dry conditions with sparse rain. The temperatures hover around 30°C during the day and drop to around 15°C at night.
As you cross into Portugal around Quintanilha and travel through Northern Portugal, including towns like Bragança and Vinhais, the weather remains similar. Sunny days are prevalent, although there is a slightly higher chance of cloudy or overcast conditions accompanied by minimal rain. Daytime temperatures hold steady at around 30°C with nights cooling to about 15°C.
Finally, in Galicia, where the route merges into the VldP in Verín, the weather mirrors previous regions with mostly sunny days and rare instances of clouds. This area tends to be the warmest, with daytime highs reaching up to 32°C while still maintaining cooler nights around 14°C.
Overall, the route is characterized by stable, warm temperatures and a high likelihood of clear skies, making it conducive for a predictable and dry pilgrimage.
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