Starting in Zamora, Castilla y León, expect relatively cool weather with temperatures ranging from daily highs of 17-21°C and lows of 6-8°C. Here, anticipate a mix of partly cloudy skies and patchy rain, with occasional sunny days and the possibility of heavier showers. Precipitation levels are generally low but can vary, so slight fluctuations in weather are common.
As you progress into the northern parts of Portugal, particularly near Bragança and Vinhais, the temperatures slightly increase, reaching highs around 20°C to 21°C and lows around 8°C to 10°C. In this region, the weather remains predominantly sunny and partly cloudy. Nevertheless, be prepared for more frequent and intense rain showers. The average precipitation here is higher compared to the previous region, and heavy rain at times is not unusual.
Overall, the Camino Zamorano Portugués in May exhibits mild to moderately warm temperatures, with a balanced mix of sunny, partly cloudy, and rainy days. Precipitation tends to increase slightly as you move towards the northern Portuguese regions, making for a varied but manageable journey in terms of weather.
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