Weather forecast for the Camino Zamorano Portugués in September

The Camino Zamorano Portugués covers regions primarily within the autonomous community of Castile and León in Spain, before crossing into Northern Portugal. Your journey begins in areas characterized by relatively warm weather with average daytime highs around 26-28°C and cooler nights dropping to about 13-15°C. The weather is predominantly sunny, with occasional partly cloudy skies and sporadic rain showers. Notable precipitation is generally low, rarely exceeding a few millimeters per day.

In Northern Portugal, particularly around Bragança and Vinhais, expect similar warm daytime temperatures, slightly cooler nighttime lows, and a mix of sun with a few days of patchy rain possible. The region maintains a mainly sunny disposition, occasionally interrupted by overcast conditions or heavier rain showers, particularly as you approach higher elevations.

Overall, the route is generally pleasant and warm, with the sun being the dominant weather feature, interspersed with occasional cloud cover and light to moderate rain.

Start date
Sep 1
Start town
End date
Sep 9
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
215 km
Daily distance
23.8 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
1.6 mm/day

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