Weather forecast for the Via Francigena in November

Beginning your journey in Lausanne, Switzerland, weather in November is mostly mild. Expect days where the sun shines or there are some clouds, with possible rain sometimes. Daily temperatures average around 14°C at the highest and decrease to around 8°C. Nightly temperatures fall from 7 to 0°C. Rain might become more common, and can measure up to 9.5 mm/day.

Moving through the Alpine regions, you'll find colder weather with chances of heavy snow, especially in Martigny and Orsières. Temperatures can go down to -4°C. You might see some freezing rain here.

Entering Aosta, Italy, the weather is usually cloudy and rainy but still cold. The highest temperature averages between 6 and 12°C, and the lowest between 1 and -5°C. You can experience heavy rainfall, up to 7.1 mm/day on average.

Traveling through the Italian communes of Verrès and Pont-Saint-Martin, expect more sunshine on average, though rain is possible too. Daytime temperatures stay around 12°C, while nighttime temperatures could increase from -3 to 4 degrees.

For the southern part of your journey, like Pavia and Siena, look for sunny and sometimes cloudy days with chances of rain. Daytime temperatures average 10-12°C and nighttime temperatures rest at 3-5°C.

Finally, you'll arrive in Rome. Here, the weather is the warmest. Expect average highs of 14°C and lows of 7°C. You'll see mostly sun and might experience heavy rain showers occasionally.

Start date
Nov 1
Start town
End date
Dec 21
End town
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
1121 km
Daily distance
22.0 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
4.3 mm/day

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