Weather forecast for the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento in February

When you walk along the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento in northwest Spain, you'll notice the weather is mild and quite consistent. The temperatures are usually moderate, sometimes getting as high as 12°C and as low as 5°C, but at times it could drop to 3°C, especially near Santiago de Compostela.

It often rains along this route, with varying intensity from light to heavy showers. In some places, like Cambados, the rain is usually about 2.5 mm/day, but in places like O Grove, it can be as much as 10.7 mm/day. The sky is often partly cloudy to fully overcast.

But don't worry, it's not always raining. There are also sunny periods, many times right after it has rained, making for a nice environment to walk in.

So, when you travel the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento, be prepared for different weather conditions: sometimes rain, sometimes cloudy, and sometimes sunny. And remember, it can be rather cool, especially in the morning and evening.

Start date
Feb 1
Start town
End date
Feb 9
End town
Santiago de Compostela
metric (°C, mm, km)
Total days
Total distance
193 km
Daily distance
21.4 km
Average high
Average low
Average precipitation
6.8 mm/day

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